Dark Mode

N e w s C e n t r a l

Cloudflare helps Brazil block Elon Musk’s X after platform briefly evaded ban

X switch to Cloudflare revived site in Brazil until Cloudflare isolated X traffic.

Source: arstechnica.com

Neutral Reception: Neutral

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Robot placed under the control of a fungal overlord

A mushroom's response to environmental changes can be used to control a robot.

Source: arstechnica.com

Neutral Reception: Neutral

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Volkswagen halts ID. 4 production and sales due to bad door handles

The company is still working on a remedy to the problem.

Source: arstechnica.com

Neutral Reception: Neutral

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Droughts likely to be even longer in the future due to climate change

Major climate reports may be underselling the risks of rising emissions.

Source: arstechnica.com

Positive Reception: Positive

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